World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

Everyday, millions of individuals around the globe suffer from severe spells of depression and grief and exhibit suicidal behaviours. Approximately 700,000 people worldwide attempt suicide every year with each death resulting in serious implications for those around them.
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on the 10th of September every year, around the world to help raise awareness, encourage individuals suffering from suicidal thoughts to seek out proper help and reduce the stigma surrounding suicide with hopes of scaling down instances of suicide.
Northwest General Hospital and Research Center keeping in view the significance of the day organised a World Suicide Prevention Day session on the 6th October, 2022. The session was headed by Dr. Sylvia Ali Khan, Consultant Psychiatrist at NWGH with Hina Ali, Psychologist and with “Creating Hope Through Action” as the theme for the session. The experts spoke about suicide being a major public health concern and the far-reaching impact of suicide for family, friends and peers alike. They further elaborated on the theme of the session and explained how a friend or family member in their personal capacity can detect early symptoms tied to suicide, reach out to those suffering from suicidal struggles and provide the support and help they seek thus discouraging events of suicide.