World No Tobacco Day: Promoting a Smoke-Free Environment

Northwest observed World No Tobacco Day by organising an event on the 31st May 2023 at the 4th-floor auditorium, NWGH. The event was dedicated to raising awareness regarding the harmful effects of tobacco and promoting a smoke-free environment. Dr. Zia ur Rehman, CEO NWGH, Prof. Dr. Noor-ul-Iman, Principal NWSM, and Ms. Syeda Zainab Naqvi, Assistant Commissioner were present at the event.
The programme commenced with a welcome address by Dr. Nadia Qazi, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine followed by the recitation of the Holy Quran. Next, Dr. Imran Mohib, Consultant ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon, NWTH took the stage and shared his insights on the intricate relationship between tobacco use and cancer. Thereafter, Dr. Sylvia Ali Khan, Consultant Psychiatrist at NWGH shared her expert views on the subject of tobacco addiction and Prof. Dr. Waqar Ali, HOD, Community Medicine at NWSM, spoke on the subject of tobacco prevention and education.
Subsequently, students from the allied and other medical colleges displayed their respective presentations, charts, paintings, posters, and models with regard to World No Tobacco Day and the panel of judges decided on the winners for each category.
Ms. Syeda Zainab Naqvi, Assistant Commissioner addressed the audience and shared her views about a tobacco-free environment. She commended the efforts by NWSM and gave a brief overview of all the activities implemented by the government to bring an end to the use of tobacco and nicotine-related products. Then, Dr. Zia ur Rehman awarded certificates and shields to the winning participants from each content category followed by a vote of thanks where he stressed upon working closely with government institutions in developing strategies in close consultation with health professionals. The programme came to a close with a group photograph.