White Cane Safety Day Celebrations at NWGH – Promoting Inclusion and Safety for the Visually Impaired

The White Cane Safety Day event was held at Northwest General Hospital on October, 15th, 2023. It commenced with the national anthem and a recitation of the Holy Quran.
The event officially began with a warm welcome address from the NWGH organizers, extending greetings to all attendees. Subsequently, the Director of SEC provided a comprehensive briefing, shedding light on the significance of White Cane Safety Day.
The highlight of the occasion was the White Cane Safety Day speech, emphasizing the importance of promoting safety and inclusion for visually impaired individuals. The audience was then treated to a tablo performance and milli naghma.
In honor of this special day, a heartfelt poem was recited, paying tribute to White Cane Safety Day. The program continued with the distribution of prizes and certificates. The chief guest then graced the stage with a speech, underlining the importance of support and inclusivity for the visually impaired. The event came to a close with a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude for the efforts of all participants and attendees.