Symposium Highlights Paradigm Shift in Diabetes Management with Trelagliptin

The Medical Professional Education Department (MPED), Northwest General Hospital and Research Centre hosted a symposium on January 29, 2024, centred around the theme of “Changing the Pattern of Managing Diabetes with Once Weekly Trelagliptin.” This one-day event brought together leading experts, healthcare professionals, and researchers to explore the latest advancements in diabetes management, with a particular focus on the revolutionary impact of Trelagliptin.

Prof. Dr. Arshad Hussain; a distinguished keynote speaker and leading authority in the field, stated, “The symposium marks a pivotal moment in diabetes care, emphasizing a paradigm shift in our approach to managing this prevalent health condition. Once Weekly Trelagliptin introduces a novel avenue for patients and healthcare providers alike, offering a convenient, cheap and effective solution to the patients who prefer less frequent dosing compared to daily medications.”
The highlight of the event was the comprehensive discussions and presentations on the utilization of Trelagliptin as a once-weekly treatment option for diabetes. Renowned specialists in endocrinology and diabetes management shared their insights, shedding light on the potential benefits and transformative outcomes associated with this innovative approach.
Attendees were also engaged in interactive panel discussions, where practical implications of incorporating Trelagliptin into diabetes management plans were explored