Ramadan and Diabetes

One-Day Symposium on “Ramadan and Diabetes”

The Medical Professional Education Department (MPED), Northwest General Hospital & Research Center (NWGH & RC) organized a Symposium focusing on the crucial intersection of “Ramadan and Diabetes” on February 27, 2024. The event, held at the hospital premises, aimed to shed light on the management of diabetes during the fasting month of Ramadan. Prof. Dr Arshad Hussain, as the keynote speaker, brought invaluable expertise and insights to the table, enriching the discourse with his extensive knowledge in the field of Diabetology and Research. Attendees had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and practical strategies for effectively managing diabetes amidst the unique challenges posed by the fasting period.
The Symposium was arranged for Medicine Consultants, Assistant Professors, Postgraduate Trainees, and house officers to provide a platform for exchanging knowledge, sharing experiences, and learning from each other’s perspectives. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and presentations, participants gained a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in managing diabetes during Ramadan.
The event underscored Northwest General Hospital’s commitment to advancing medical education and professional development in the region. By addressing the critical intersection of Ramadan and diabetes, the Symposium aimed to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide optimal care to diabetic patients during this religiously significant period.