Northwest General Hospital recognising the significance of Breast Cancer Awareness month at Swabi Women University

The City School Peshawar (Hayatabad Campus) while observing October as Breast Cancer Awareness month arranged an educational panel discussion about breast cancer on the 19th of October, 2022. The discussion was specially for the mothers of TCS parent community and highlighted how through proper education, thorough self-examination, early detection and screening numerous lives could be saved each year. Dr. Naayaab Khan, Registrar Oncology from Northwest General Hospital was invited to be an esteemed guest speaker and member of the expert discussion panel. The session took off with an introduction to Cancer Awareness month highlighting the significance of the day. Thereafter, a panel discussion took place where experts enlightened the audience regarding the importance of timely detection and diagnosis and clarified any misconceptions or myths regarding the disease. The session came to a close with an interactive question-answer segment.