Northwest General Hospital celebrated International Women’s Day

Northwest General Hospital celebrated International Women’s Day at the NWGH Auditorium on 7 March 2022, to acknowledge the role women play in society today and their achievements in face of challenging conditions. The event was attended by the Federal Ombudsperson for protection of women against harassment Ms. Kashmala Tariq, Ms. Ayesha Bano, MPA KP, Provincial Ombudsperson for protection of women against harassment Ms. Rakhshanda Naz, FOSPAH Regional Commissioner Peshawar Ms. Rubab Mehdi, and Director Program, KP Commission on the Status of Women Ms. Amina Durrani.
The event kicked off with a warm welcome by Dr. Shandana Khan (Consultant Radiologist, NWGH) to all the participants and organisers of the event. Dr. Nuzhat Nazir Zia (Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, NWGH) took the stage to highlight the rights of women and their role in decision making about their health. Dr. Sylvia Ali Khan (Consultant Psychiatrist, NWGH), spoke at length about postpartum depression and domestic violence, which are subjects often ignored and shunned in our society.
The esteemed guests appreciated the event, emphasising that Women have a leading role to play in today’s society and must be supported at all levels to achieve their personal best. The guests expressed their support for women’s rights and informed the audience about the services they can avail to protect themselves from harassment at their workplaces, a prevailing social evil.
Dr. Zia ur Rehman (CEO, NWGH) gave his vote of thanks and acknowledged the contribution of women towards society, and their resilience to overcome any obstacle faced. Ms. Kashmala Tariq, Federal Ombudsperson for Protection of Women against Harassment at Workplace thanked the management of Northwest for their support of women and distributed shields amongst the NWGH management as a token of appreciation. Provincial Ombudsperson Ms. Rukhshanda Naz acknowledged the active participation of NWGH Management towards the eradication of Harassment of women at the workplace, by being the first organisation to comply with the Harassment laws in letter and spirit, as evidenced by their documentation and request for further involvement.