Northwest and RMI collaborate through a Head & Neck MDT for better patient care

On the 23rd of February 2022, Northwest General Hospital and Rehman Medical Institute (Official) collaborated for a Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Team Meeting at the Northwest General Hospital Auditorium. This collaboration was made possible by the efforts of Dr. Imran Mohib Khan (Consultant ENT) from Northwest General Hospital and Dr. Zubair Durrani (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon) from Rehman Medical Institute. The event kicked off with Dr. Imran Mohib Khan welcoming all the participants and appreciated the CEOs of NWGH and RMI for making possible this first of its kind collaboration. The MDT discussed four Head and Neck cases and consensually agreed upon their best possible management during the meeting.
Further to the MDT, Dr. Faisal Khan (Principal Investigator, Precision Medicine Lab) shed light on the Genetic Mapping of Head and Neck Cancers. Dr. Faisal further highlighted how teamwork between the hospitals is a win-win for both institutes’ growth and hoped for similar collaborations in the future with other hospitals onboard as well. Mr. Shafique Ur-Rehman (CEO, RMI) endorsed Dr. Faisal’s view and pressed on how hospitals in a cluster thrive better than individual institutions. In the end, Dr. Zia ur Rehman (CEO, NWGH) acknowledged the benefits of such collaborations, emphasising that Research & Development was the way forward if organisations wanted to succeed in providing the best healthcare to patients. Dr. Zia further emphasised the need of having MDTs regularly, especially before patient care has begun.
The medical staff of both hospitals, such as Surgeons, Oncologists, Radiologists, Trainees and Allied Staff attended this MDT, with the aim to learn about management of complex Head and Neck cases, their Pathology and overall patient care. The event also gave all the participants a chance to network for future collaborations and establish terms with individuals working in similar areas of interest.
Northwest General Hospital looks forward to similar academic collaborations with Rehman Medical Institute and other healthcare institutions to raise the healthcare standards and improve patient care in the region.