Empowering Global Surgery: NWGH Symposium on Accessible Surgical Care

NWGH organised a symposium on the 25th of May, 2023 at the NWGH auditorium while observing Global Surgery Day. The event aimed at raising awareness about the importance of accessible and equitable surgical care.
The symposium commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran. The stage secretary, Nouman Arshad, a final-year MBBS student, welcomed the audience and introduced the symposium’s significance. Prof. Noor Ul Iman, the Principal of NWSM, then took the stage to deliver a heartfelt welcome speech. Dr. Almas Fasih Khattak, Associate Director, DERIL, briefed the audience about the significance of Global Surgery Day and highlighted the mission behind the event.
The symposium then transitioned into the segment titled “The World of Surgery,” where a lineup of notable speakers enlightened the audience on various facets of global surgery namely Dr. Kee B. Park, Harvard University, Boston, USA, and Prof. Jeffrey Blount, University of Alabama, USA, both of whom joined the event remotely. The stage then welcomed Prof. Tariq Khan Hashim, Neurosurgeon, NWGH who delivered an insightful talk on the role of the G4 Alliance in promoting global surgery, emphasizing the organization’s efforts in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Prof. Sidra Jabbar Khan, Professor, OBGYN, NWGH, mesmerized the audience with her talk on global obstetric care. Prof. Obaidullah, an esteemed representative from NWGH, discussed the specialised area of burns and global trauma care. The speakers’ sessions were followed by question-and-answer sessions, allowing participants to interact with the speakers.
The symposium continued with a segment titled “Bridging the Gap,” which focused on key aspects related to global surgery. Dr. Samra Fakhar, a resident from KTH presented a talk on “Women in Global Surgery – The Pakistani Perspective.” Subsequently, Dr. Imran Mohib, an ENT specialist from NWGH, captivated the audience with his discourse on quality and safety in global surgery. Dr. Hayat, Anesthesiologist, NWGH took the stage to enlighten the audience about the critical topic of safe anesthesia in global surgery. Dr. Bilqis Hassan, representing Northwest School of Medicine in Pakistan, provided a compelling ophthalmology perspective on the “Right to Sight – a Community” talk.
The symposium also featured a captivating virtual presentation by Prof. Tony Figagi from UCT in Cape Town, South Africa. Prof. Figagi’s talk on global surgery and paediatrics delved into the unique challenges and advancements in providing surgical care to the youngest patients, highlighting the need for specialized approaches in this field. Adding to the global perspective, Prof. Halindar Singh Mangat from KUMC in the USA joined the symposium via Zoom. Prof. Mangat’s expertise in neurosurgical care provided attendees with valuable insights into the challenges and advancements in this critical area of global surgery.
In addition to the enlightening speaker sessions, the Northwest Student Research Society (NSRS) displayed a collection of insightful posters. These presentations showcased the innovative research conducted by the student community, further contributing to the symposium’s atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and exploration. The event reached its grand finale with the presence of our esteemed Guest of Honor, Prof. Mohibullah.