Dr. Faiqa Filza elected as first ever female member of Neurotrauma Committee of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies

A unique privilege not only for Northwest General Hospital and Research Center but for KPK and the whole Pakistan as a general…

Dr. Faiqa Filza (Consultant Neurosurgeon) has been elected as the first ever female member of Neurotrauma Committee of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. Its a huge achievement on her part. Also by becoming a member of international organization it hopefully will open the doors for other females of this country to come forward and try and keep Pakistan high up on international forums.
WFNS is a Switzerland based professional, scientific organization, that has a consultative status in the United Nations too. It has more than half a century of history of working for progress of Neurosurgery throughout the world.
Trauma committee is one of the societies working under WFNS. It keeps arranging meetings in different parts of the world. Currently it is being headed by Dr. Tariq Khan, also Chairman of AHL.,,, another honour of our country.